Monday, March 4, 2013

Special Education Philippines ? Rating Scale for Evaluating ...

In one of the educational seminars hosted by Advocata (Giving Voice to Children with Special Needs) I received a copy of their rating scale after the seminar. I find the rating scale useful so I kept a copy to be used as a reference.



I am posting this rating scale for educational seminars here today for two purpose:

1. To serve as reference in case you are hosting your own educational seminar

2. To be aware of the categories Advocata uses to measure the effectiveness of their seminars.


Clear Written Goals


Why do we need to rate our educational seminars here in the Philippines?

I think the first purpose is important for those who are researching for rating scales to use while the second purpose gives a window for suggestions and room for improvements in making rating scales.


Without further adieu, here is the rating scale used by Advocata for evaluating their educational seminars:


Direction: Make an honest evaluation of the seminar by using a 5-point scale with 5 as the highest and 1 as the lowest. Write a checkmark corresponds (sic) to your rating.


5 ? strongly agree

4 ? agree

3 ? neither agree nor disagree

2 ? disagree

1 ? strongly disagree

I. Topic


  1. The topics are relevant to my field
  2. The topics are useful for me.


II. Time allotment

  1. The seminar started and ended on time.
  2. The time was enough for me to understand the topic/s.
  3. The schedule set was firmly implemented.


III. Speaker: (Name of speake) ________________

  1. Delivers the subject matter clearly.
  2. Presents organized and useable information
  3. Uses strategies to make presentation interesting
  4. Covers all areas expected
  5. Makes full use of the time for the content of the lecturer


IV. Venue

  1. The venue is clean.
  2. The venue is conducive to the seminar.
  3. The venue is properly ventilated.


V. Overall-Rating

1. I am willing to attend Advocata?s next seminar.

2. Rate the over-all seminar.


VI. We want to hear from you?.

  1. Strengths of the seminar _______________________________________
  2. Things to improve on _________________________________________


VII. Suggest topics for the next seminar

  1. __________________________
  2. __________________________
  3. __________________________


Source: Advocata Inc.

What I like about this rating scale for educational seminars is that it is clear, concise and straight to the point. There is also enough space to write your answer and it is very easy to use. I think rating scales are important tools we can use during seminars and even in class presentations. However, just like any tool it has to be used properly for us to maximize its full potential.



Ja ne, till the next?Special Education Philippines? post.


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great expectations jake owen oosthuizen louis

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