Friday, February 1, 2013

Converging Digital Marketing Mediums for Real Estate - Delta Media ...

We?ve talked a lot recently about different marketing mediums in real estate.

Traditionally we had newspapers and magazines in print, along with the occasional restaurant menu. Billboards and park benches were favorites for sign advertisements. And electronic media brought the ability to advertise on the radio and TV.

Each non-digital marketing channel has always operated in a silo of the others. None could be directly tied to another by much more than a common theme and branding campaign.

Digital media has operated much differently. In its relatively short life we?ve seen several digital marketing channels surface, from SEO, to PPC, to Social Media, banner ads, remarketing, blogging, video?you get the idea.

Last week we discussed how each of these digital mediums are separate channels, thus creating the conversations regarding Multi-Channel Attribution Modeling.

But there?s a little secret behind digital marketing that doesn?t occur in its non-digital predecessor: digital marketing initiatives should work in cohesion with one another.

That doesn?t mean the same digital marketing initiative should spread across all platforms any more than it means you should approach Facebook and Twitter the same way you might approach a banner ad on a third-party website.

What it does mean is you should utilize the same central source to control your marketing initiatives and point to them - a hub. And all should revolve around your real estate website.

You might have previously used billboards to put your face and name in front of people, and newspapers to advertise your listings. Radio might have had a sales pitch telling consumers know why you?re the agent they want to use.

But all digital marketing ultimately should filter your connections to your real estate website.

Your website should be the home of your entire business. In today?s society, it?s more important than your office, furniture, fancy clothes, or the car you drive, because a lot more people will see it.

This, of course, means two things:
1. You need a dang good real estate website.
2. It should provide the capabilities for you to control your digital marketing initiatives and centralize your widespread digital efforts.

We try to utilize our blog to help your real estate marketing and business initiatives, rather than to toot our own horn. But we feel we have a pretty good real estate website platform because we have always built it to work as the hub of your online business.

Several updates that occurred just this week show just that.

We now support Animated Sign Rider Deep Linking, and have long supported Trulia, Zillow, Yahoo Real Estate, FrontDoor and integration with many other marketing sites.

We have new features for how Open Houses are displayed on real estate agent websites.

We have new updates to the mobile real estate website platform, which give brokerages and agents more control to personalize their mobile home page.

And all three updates have come just this week.

Integration with external marketing sites, continuous updates to enhance the user experience of real estate and open house searches, and a better mobile real estate website experience are absolute musts in a digital environment that is constantly changing.

But they?re also part of a bigger digital pie that includes Social Media, blog and video integration, advanced email marketing components, state-of-the-art property search features, and a lead management system that facilitates all leads and interactions to help you turn them into sales.

By converging your many digital marketing mediums to operate in cohesion with your real estate website, you can efficiently create a more effective online real estate business.

Contact Delta Media Group to learn how.


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