Monday, October 22, 2012

Google Web OS Why Write Articles to Publicize your Business

Why Write Articles to Publicize your Business? Judy Cullins c.

Why Write Articles to Publicize your Business? Judy Cullins c. 2003 All Rights Reserved.

Reach 10,000 to 500,000 targeted buyers every day Online. That's the best reason I know. Get exposure for contacts, customers or clients. The second best reason is that it's free. You subscribe to ezines, then submit your short Online articles to your audience. The third reason is that it takes little time to accomplish, maybe 9 hours a week. If you don't want to do it yourself, you can delegate it to your computer assistant.

Six More Reasons to Write an Article

1. Writing articles bring free publicity. When you submit to 10 opt-in ezine publishers and 10-20 Web sites that want your articles, you expose yourself to thousands, even millions if you get your information on the right site. Submitting them is free, free, free.

2. Submitting articles is 7 times as effective as any other promotion because when you submit many articles, you become known as an expert. These articles with their proper signature box at the bottom bring 10-50 new subscribers each time for you own ezine. This box also attracts people to your Web site, where, if you have proper copywriting with marketing pizzazz, you will sell many products and services.

Start writing two or so, keep them until you have ten to submit. Then write one a week. When you have submitted 20 or so, you will become a household name. Ezine subscribers and sites will publish them People who visit the site or read the ezine will also ask you if it's OK they use your article. Of course it is!

They will send your articles to their business associates, who, if they produce an ezine or have a Web site, will also publish your article. Make your articles 250-800 words long. Or, write tips under 500 words.

Author's Tip: Be sure to send a thank you each time someone emails you saying they want to publish your article. Respond to each one first, thanking them, then asking for permission to add their email to your ePublishers email list. Offer the benefit that it's straight to their email door. Ask for a return email with "Yes, ePub" in the signature line. Add their name to your growing list. I know have 150. To these I send out a new article once or twice a week. That's what is called viral marketing.

3. You receive global attention when other Web masters feature your articles. Because you have to list key words and an introduction for each article for the Web sites, your rank goes way up in the search engines. You book coach's is # 2 on Google, Yahoo and 35 others. Her URL is listed on 900 other sites in a hyperlink bringing hundreds of new visitors.

4. The more exposure your articles get, the more you are perceived as the expert in your field, and when potential clients visit your site, they are more likely to read your sales message on your service or products--and eventually buy!

5. Your articles could attract authors in your field who need free material for their book. Debbie Allen, shameless promoter, took three of mine for her latest Internet marketing book. She is a great promoter, so I know my articles will bring me new business eventually through word of mouth.

6. Remember, people go the net to get free information. If you give that freely, they are more apt to become clients. Remember also, that because other Web site owners and ezine publishers don't write only their own articles, they are constantly looking for your how-to articles. You can be published in hundreds of them!

Article writing and submitting is my best publicity and promotion effort so far. I now have 110 articles and 50 tips circulating the net and now offer them in categories by autoresponder, so people can get exactly what they want instantly. The categories include: writing/publishing, Online promotion, Web site Marketing and Copywriting, and now tips under 300 words. What are your categories?

Start writing short articles now, and see how this great exposure to eager Online ezine readers and surfers will bring your business success.

About the author: Judy Cullins: 20-year author, speaker, book coach Helps entrepreneurs manifest their book and web dreams eBk: "Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Online" To receive FREE "The Book Coach Says..." go to Ph:619/466/0622

Author: Judy Cullins


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